GOUSA’s Economic Opportunity Tuesday Update
Inflation is overwhelming wage increases among low-income Americans. The inflationary policies from the Biden Administration’s spending binge and the endless money printing by the Federal Reserve is increasing income inequality in America.
That is, while Biden and the Federal Reserve claim to be concerned with income inequality, their policies are having the exact opposite effect—making poor Americans poorer.
Professor Scott Galloway from New York University explains.
The charts in the WaPo story and the video use the official rate of inflation which excludes a lot of things that Americans buy. Measured properly, the inflation rate is much higher and real wage gains lower than that reported by the government.
GO-USA stands for economic policies that benefit all Americans.
America needs policies that promote lasting prosperity. That means reducing regulation and making the tax code more equitable so that businesses and entrepreneurs can thrive.
Instead, the Biden Administration and the Federal Reserve are pushing deficit spending and money creation.
The only way we can address this and fix the problem is to elect better leaders in government – and throw out our failed, corrupt legislators – the reason why we created the OppScore at GOUSA. Please support our mission so we can continue to serve you, by donating today.