GOUSA supports a clean environment. However, the green movement as it currently stands is rife with lies and elitism. The latest comes from the EU.
The European Union is working on a new carbon tax plan. According to reports, yachts are exempt from the tax.
How many times have you heard this one before? Elites force the little people to sacrifice for the environment while the super rich go on with their polluting ways.
According to EU regulations, ships that move products for the common man will have to pay the carbon tax. Fat-cat yachters will be exempt.
Last year the EU slapped a carbon tax on jet fuel. The tax applies to passenger and cargo aircraft. If you guessed that the tax exempted fuel for private jets you are right.
The yachts, luxury cars, homes, and private jets of the superrich elites produce more carbon emissions than entire countries.
According to one study, the private jet fleet in the United States alone produces twice as much carbon emissions as the entire nation of Burundi.
Climate czar John Kerry could not be reached for comment. BTW, this is the same John Kerry whom as a Massachusetts politicians docked his $7 million yacht in Rhode Island to avoid Massachusetts taxes.
Some things never change.
One can differ on whether climate change is serious or not.
But one cannot ignore the hypocrisy of those who lecture everyday Americans on our carbon footprint while living lifestyles that would put the most self-indulgent monarchs in history to shame.
They not only demonstrate their own lack of sincerity about the issues they claim to care about; they also expose much of the green movement as nothing more that egoistic virtue signaling.