Here at GOUSA, we are eco-modernists, not eco-miserabilists. Cheap, reliable energy creates opportunities for all Americans and the only source for that is nuclear energy.
Other nations are taking the lead in the development of nuclear energy. We blogged before about the huge amount of new nuclear capacity that China plans to build in the next ten years.
France, already the world leader in nuclear energy, announced that it plans to develop small modular nuclear reactors.
In the United States, nuclear power development has been blocked for fifty years for political reasons. Opposition has been from the left.
During that time, new reactor designs have made nuclear power even safer and cleaner.
Republicans have consistently been supporters of nuclear energy. Indeed, support for nuclear was a central theme of President Trump’s energy strategy.
Finally, there are signs that Democrats may be coming around. A recent survey (below) showed that a slight majority of Democrats now support or strongly support nuclear power.
Might a sea change in energy policy be in the offing? We hope so.
At GOUSA, we believe in the power of technology and innovation to lift living standards not only for Americans but for all mankind. We reject the eco-miserablism of Greta Thunberg and the left which argues that saving the planet requires consigning billions to a life of poverty and unending misery.
If you believe as we do, please join our movement at GOUSA. You can join our mailing list here or send us a message via “Contact Us” at