Another dismal poll regarding the leadership abilities of Joe Biden. This time from NBC News.
NBC News polled one thousand adults on their views of Joe Biden and the state of the country. The result show widespread dissatisfaction among Americans with the President and the state of the country.
Some results:
- Just one in three Americans view Joe Biden as being a good or very good commander in chief while 40 percent of Americans give Biden a very poor rating.
- Only 32 percent give Biden a good or very good rating on his ability to handle a crisis. Note that this poll was taken mid-January before the President’s disastrous press conference in which he conceded to Russia’s Vladimir Putin that it was OK if Russia made minor incursions into the Ukraine only to go into damage control mode the next day.
- Less than one in four Americans—24 percent—view Joe Biden as a unifier down from 40 percent in January 2021. In contrast, 42 percent now view him a very divisive president.
Americans are rightly disappointed as the corporate media portrayed Biden as a moderate not as a creature of the progressive left.
Detailed poll results concerning the Biden Administration appear at the end of this post.
Americans have also turned increasingly pessimistic on the direction of the country. Seventy-two percent see the United States on the wrong track.
The wrong track under Biden is now higher than at any time during the Trump Administration.
Inflation is a key concern of Americans with 61 percent saying that prices are going up faster than wages, only 7 percent feel that their paychecks are staying ahead of inflation.
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