Polling shows Biden continues to tank with young voters and little difference in approval among young voters between the Democratic and Republican parties. Will the GOP finally reach out to young voters? We can only hope.
Some things are a near certainty: a long cold winter in New England, that the Detroit Lions won’t win the Superbowl, and the Republican Party will somehow find a way to blow it with younger voters. So this essay is a lot like what Oscar Wilde said about a second marriage—a triumph of hope over experience. But here goes.
Polling results from Quinnipiac show that Joe Biden continues to tank among young voters.
Here are Biden’s numbers by age. According to Quinnipiac a mere 7 percent of 18-34 year olds strongly approve of Biden’s job performance. In fact, younger voters are less likely to strongly approve of Biden’s performance than any other age group. The only group where Biden cracks 40 percent approval is 65 plus.

Now take a look at how Americans view the two parties.
Here’s how Americans answer the question ”does the Republican Party care about people like you?”
Notice that there’s no difference in the response by age. Republicans do just as well with 18-34 year-olds as among older age groups.

Now compare with how Americans answer the same question “does the Democratic party care about people like you?”

Yes, young people are somewhat more likely to view the Democratic Party as caring about them. But the difference is nowhere close to the two-to-one margin by which Democrats routinely carry younger voters in presidential and off-year elections.
And the poll results also show that Republicans are way behind among the 65 plus crowd, the group that Republican candidates traditionally cater to.
Young people are the great growth opportunity for the Republican Party.
But will the GOP fail to realize that opportunity?
Well … the national GOP just reelected a chairwoman that presides over three disastrous election cycles. Looks to us like the consultant class that controls the Republican National Committee is setting course for a fourth drubbing.
Karoline Leavett, 25, who ran for Congress in New Hampshire in 2022 points to the Republican establishment as the problem: ”The establishment and the leadership needs to get on board,” Leavitt said. “If we want to win elections, we don’t have a choice.”
Karoline is right. The Republican establishment is about as with it as the Simpson’s C. Montgomery Burns.
Here at GOUSA we believe in opportunity. That’s exactly what young people want and need. Young Americans opportunity to live life the way they see fit. And that means having opportunity in each of the five domains of life: education, personal, national, economic, and social opportunity.