The World Economic Forum (WEF) is meeting this week in Davos, Switzerland. This is an annual affair in which the elites of the Western world show how shockingly out of touch they are with the concerns of the people that they govern.
Yes, these are the people who are bringing you the Great Reset. Not that they are interested in changing their ways. Rather, they want to make your life more miserable.
This gathering is headed by Klaus Schwab who looks like the villain in a James Bond movie but is really much more evil.

Take climate change. Schwab and company think that’s for the little people. As is the case for every climate conference, nobody flies coach. Instead, the Davos the attendees arrived in at least 1,040 private jets. Fox News quoted Greenpeace’s Klara Maria Schenk on the private planes:
“the rich and powerful flock to Davos in ultra-polluting, socially inequitable private jets to discuss climate and inequality behind closed doors. … Davos has a perfectly adequate railway station, still these people can’t even be bothered to take the train for a trip as short as 21 [kilometers] … Do we really believe that these are the people to solve the problems the world faces?”
So what big ideas are these worthies interested in? One speaker wanted to make it illegal to own a car. Presumably he was not laughed off the stage. Yes, the same people that arrived in Davos in massive motorcades want to ban the private automobile.
Of course, saving humanity by telling people to eat bugs is hard work so there comes a time when even the most benighted need to let their hair down (figuratively in Dr Schwab’s case). So prostitutes are flooding into Davos to pleasure attendees and their entourage. Lest there be any confusion, the prostitutes to which I refer as sex workers, not bankers or politicians.
These ladies and gentlemen of the evening are earning top dollar for their services, around $700 an hour.
Worst of all, this convention of the world’s preeminent douchebags is financed by you O’ lowly U.S. taxpayer. The United States government has given the WEF $60 million over the last eight years to fund this soiree. Not that the attendees are pressed for cash. 634 corporate CEOs are at Davos including the CEOs of Amazon, Citigroup and Blackrock.
So big dollars for privileged, elitist grifters while you can’t own a car and have to eat bugs. Maybe the Great Reset ain’t so great after all.